The Prevent Blindness vision screening certification program requires that vision screeners trained and certified by Prevent Blindness must re-certify after a period of three years from the date of their initial training and certification.
The Ohio Department of Health has recently updated both the school-aged and preschool vision screening guidelines. You can reference this document by clicking here. The guidelines take effect for the 2018-2019 school year.
Please note that the 10' LEA Chart and RDE Stereopsis test are being phased out and will no longer be acceptable methods of vision screening for preschool children beginning in the 2020-2021 school year. If you were trained and certified on this equipment, you may still take the recertification test. However, your certification will only be effective until June 30, 2020 instead of the normal three-year period. Please consider attending a new training class where you will be trained and certified to use the 5' Crowded, Single VIP LEA and the PASS 2 stereopsis test. You can find a list of upcoming trainings by clicking here.

If you have not conducted any vision screenings since being trained and certified, you must take another 6-hour training program. Select the button on the right, "Upcoming Trainings" to find a training.

5' Single Crowded LEA and PASS 2 Stereopsis
In order to take this test, you must have successfully participated in an in-person training conducted by Prevent Blindness that focused on the use of this specific equipment and techniques.