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With constantly changing educational standards, integration of technology into the new standards and tech-savvy kids who need more to keep them engaged, busy teachers need resources with ready-to-teach lessons that make everyone happy.


Prevent Blindness has taken the guess work and research out of the equation for teachers by developing curricula for children pre-k through high school that contain lesson plans that are reviewed annually by experts to ensure that they meet the newest state standards.  


Prevent Blindness provides two classroom curricula options, both of which allows teachers to provide age-appropriate eye health and safety information to the children in your school or classroom and to help them begin to adopt healthy lifestyle choices related to their eyes…because you only get ONE PAIR and NO SPARE!  Click on the curricula of your choice to learn more.




Play It Safe With Your Eyes is a multi-lesson curriculum matched with Ohio Learning Standards.  Four different curriculums for  age groups from  PreK-6th grade.

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Star Pupils curriculum supports learning in the areas of science and health. Three different curriculums for different age groups from K-8th grade. Each curriculum includes teacher presentation guides, PowerPoint presentations, grade-specific worksheets, and an activity book for younger children.

One Pair of Eyes curriculum is designed for middle school and high school with emphasis on eye safety at home, school and play.

© 2016 by Prevent Blindness Ohio 

This work is funded either in whole or in part by a grant awarded by the Ohio Department of Health, Bureau of Maternal, Child and Family Health, Save Our Sight and as a sub-award of a grant issued by The Ohio Department of Health under the Save Our Sight Program.

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